Super Science Friends!

With all the spooky stuff going on in the world today, here is a nice short-term remedy: Super Science Friends!

It’s created by Brett Jubinville, and the animations (by Tinman studios) is so damn classy you guys, so classy. It’s currently blowing up on kickstarter, so check it out.  First episode is free, like any respectable dealer would tell you:



Lysgaard Loves: November 2015

Have you looked out the window lately? Yeah, fuck that. Le!t’s stay inside and dance in our underwear instead.

Time for this month’s playlist. Make sure you click the subscribe thingy, so it shows up in your spotify library!



Lysgaard Loves: October


Another month, another playlist of favourites! This time I’m including a lot of club tracks from shopping carts across Juno, WhatPeoplePlay, Bleep and others.

Gotta get a little clubby when the rain sets in after all, the best dancing happens when the windows are getting foggy and you have a warm lamb ragu in you. Happy dancing!


Lysgaard Loves: September

New month, new playlist! This time I’m focusing on some weird tunes spanning from the english marshes to the Norwegian opera house. Subscribe to it in Spotify before someone else does. That’s how this works, right?
