UPOPCAST is alive and good

I’ve been doing some writing for UPOP, a bloggish website for music/art/lifestyle stuff lately. And more importantly, I’ve been working towards getting a podcast running for them. The system has been in the works for some time now, and with the latest upgrade of their wordpress system, it’s right there! I also made the visual work around the project, represented by the graphic and the video you see here.

The podcast is gonna feature dj Mixes from all sorts of local djs, interviews with bands and such, and all sorts of other stuff you might catch on tape. Go have a look at UPOP.no and the UPOPCAST page, or just take my word that it rocks and subscribe right away. If you can’t figure it out, blame the tech guys, just not me.

UPOP Visual v1.2 from Jacob Fantastisk on Vimeo.

hai guise!

Hai guise, I has a blog!

The plan for this thing is to show you some stuff i’m working on, not just the heavy, seriousness of my portfolio. Expect sketches, weird projects concerning art, music and coffee, and general ramblings. Do not expect this thing to be updated too regularly, however. When i have something to show you, i will!

If you have a RSS reader, why not subscribe?