new silk screens

i spent a day in my schools graphic workshop with Dino, who’s learning me the ropes around there.

The results of the day was this silk screening, basically a design i whipped up the same morning, just to have something to print. The type is Helvetica black, the doves you might recognize from my portfolio. I’m working on another design, a picture of one of my brothers to be exact, to be silk screened on posters anytime soon. Sorry about the awful photos, if someone convince me the art is any good maybe I’ll try to capture it better. Yeah, that’s our Christmas tree on the photos. I know the date, i’ll take it out when i lose the Christmas spirit, ok? Lots of pictures after the jump.


Talkbox fever

This fall i made a new mixtape named Talkbox Fever, mainly revolving around the American sound of early hiphop and Electro in the late 80’s.

It’s been featured on the FSR soundsystem podcast, i made it available in a pretty limited edition pink CD version, and now you can dowload the whole thing for free, from the comfort of your own armchair, or bean bag if you prefer. I already got a few hundred downloads already, so seems people liked it. At least the folks over at really liked it, one member acctually created a new “mixtapes”-forum in my honor. Gee whiz.

Download it from here, in a fine ZIP file with album art and all!

Or you can have a quick listen a little snippet of the whole thing here:

What the hell is VCC anyways?

I’m starting a brand new project, involving skills i do not have at all. Exiting.

Basically, I’m building a dub siren. If you haven’t heard the word, its a box that makes a sound. Specifically, a sine wave (or sawtooth) thats feeds to a line output, with some knobs along the way to adjust frequency, volume and whatnot.

I got the Schematic from Unity gain aka Dave from Superset, after some nagging. His scematic (and his finished model) was the best i had seen so far, so i figured let’s go for it.

I’ll post more pictures as i progress, currently I’m just getting my head around the schematics and getting all the parts ready.

hai guise!

Hai guise, I has a blog!

The plan for this thing is to show you some stuff i’m working on, not just the heavy, seriousness of my portfolio. Expect sketches, weird projects concerning art, music and coffee, and general ramblings. Do not expect this thing to be updated too regularly, however. When i have something to show you, i will!

If you have a RSS reader, why not subscribe?