Sep 23, 2012

All right, restock ohoy!
Both posters from Phonofestivalen plus the tote bag are now available in the webstore. I’ll hopefully get some more silk screened posters going as soon as I’m done building my new workshop, but in the meantime have fun with these.
Go check them out!
Sep 17, 2012

For those of you thatĀ couldn’tĀ attend last weeks Phonofestival (or those of you who did, and want to remember it), the tote bags are now available over at the store!
Sep 12, 2012

Fancy embedded web-version after the break! (more…)
Sep 1, 2012

Boom, it’s here! More info at
May 8, 2012

Finally! I’ve been waiting a while to be able to show you this, the teaser poster for this years Phonofestivalen. Designed by me, yippi-yey!
The starting point for the poster was the same as for the festival; discovery. The festival is all about discovering new bands and musical stuff, so my work becomes all about finding new details and things in there to look at. You should be able to see this thing quite a few times, and still find something new!
A detailed account of the whole design (both the poster, and the festival as a whole) should find its way to behance before long. The festival folks are having their own release party at the website.