Identity design for Space Lab


The identity design I made for Space Lab this summer is now represented in the portfolio! It was a super fun project, taking inspiration from the twilight zone between humanism, science, nature and technology.

This kinda stuff fits me like a glove, I would be thinking about the interconnection between the simple and detailed, the nitty gritty of nature versus the clean surfaces of the man-made all day long, if someone paid me to. Go have a look in the portfolio to see the whole project!


Check it out!



Woooop! We have some proper merch in the shop now, with the sort-of-slogan of ours.

You can interpret it as needed, for me it speaks about how when you do stuff in a super small niche of society (like we do), the prime movers probably knows how to handle a mop. In a good way. All your heroes live regular lives too. Don’t get distracted by fame or glamour, yo. Buy a mug.

Available in the shop!

Tee_2 Mug1

On my way to Berlin

I’m writing this on the bus to the airport right now, I’ll be spending the next week becoming ghetto famous or whatever in the techno capital of the world, or possibly just hanging out with my guys Tobias, Eirik & Henning. 

Before flying off I wanted to show you a short video from last saturday at Klubb Klubb, it just finished uploading before I left the house. Hope you are all moving butts this summer!

<3 Jacob

Bygdalarm 2015

We just got back from Bygdalarm; a music festival deep in the fjords of Norway right on the precipice where the mountain meets the sea. I played a three-hour set on Friday, but stayed the duration of the festival due to peer pressure from weather, friends and booze. No photos or anything from the set though, partly because the mood was hard to really… document, but honestly I don’t want to worry about the moral ramifications of publishing photos of a naked throng of people drank dancing to a Ciara acapella.

An enormous amount of big ups goes to the festival people like Kjersti and Marieke (as well as all the others obviously) that made the trip beyond amazing. And if any of you are reading this, feel free to use the photos for your own bragging rights as well! If you’re just some random guy on the internet, not so much.

Hope ya’lls is having a brilly brill summer too.
<3 Jacob


Podcast episode 23

There’s a new episode of the Nabovarsel podcast out! With my own self on the chit chats as usual, and music selection by Tobii this time. Check it out!


Open podcast in iTunes

